News — Projects
#BeChangeMaker teams start their entrepreneurial adventure
BeChangeMaker 2018 official team selection has been finalized! Out of applications from 166 teams that represent 31 countries, 15 teams that are made up of young people from across each continent will officially join the programme from 15 June.
11 June 2018
African Union Launches Digital Skills Drive
At the African Union’s Forum on Youth Skills And Enterprises In The Digital Age in Tunisia, delegates discussed the importance of developing digital skills as a major job creator.
28 May 2018
Korea strengthen skills training in ten developing countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia
The WorldSkills Capacity Building Centre, WorldSkills International and GIFTS will work together on projects that focus on skills development which includes skills training, capacity building, competitions management, and mentorship.
11 May 2018
Become a social entrepreneur with BeChangeMaker
BeChangeMaker is back to enable more youth to take on global challenges through social entrepreneurship and the power skills!
5 April 2018
Career Personality Quiz encourages youth to discover where their interests can lead
A free aptitude test is encouraging the global youth to translate their interests into a skilled career as part of the WorldSkills mission to promote the vocational skills movement and advance skills development around the world.
3 April 2018
International Women’s Day 2018 – Some progress, much still to be made
It is a year since WorldSkills publicly made its commitment to HeForShe, the United Nations gender campaign. This was in the main, symbolic – an attempt by our movement to highlight the continued disparity between the opportunities that young women and men face as they pursue careers in vocational skills.
8 March 2018
Design For Social Impact
The Design for Social Impact Challenge has been created to use CAD skills to tackle two design challenges faced at refugee camps.
1 March 2018
BeChangeMakers Enter Phase Two of their Social Entrepreneurship Development
Seven teams of young people took part in stage two of the BeChangeMaker, a programme initiated by WorldSkills International and the HP Foundation that focuses on addressing social, cultural, economic, health, educational, and environmental problems, and aims to empower the world’s youth to explore, harness, and realize their potential.
15 September 2017
Young social entrepreneurs unite to drive positive global change
Skilled young from around the world are gearing up for an online competition that will see them influence social change on a global level.
4 September 2017
BeChangeMaker: Social Entrepreneur Training Launches
Inspiring action and increasing awareness of social entrepreneurship using the power of skills.
12 July 2017