News — BeChangeMaker
BeChangeMaker attracts record number of skilled entrepreneurs
For a four-year-old, BeChangeMaker is growing at an incredible rate. This year sees nearly 800 teams of social entrepreneurs who want to turn their dreams into reality.
23 June 2020
BeChangeMaker launches in Africa
BeChangeMaker Africa is an online training programme that combines social entrepreneurship and the power of skills to inspire action on global challenges.
8 April 2020
Become a global citizen. Become a change maker.
BeChangeMaker 2020 launches 17 February
13 February 2020
WorldSkills BeChangeMaker winner announced
A business initiative to empower rice farmers to fight climate change has won top prize at the final pitching competition of BeChangeMaker 2018, an initiative by WorldSkills and the HP Foundation.
18 October 2018
BeChangeMaker Finalist prepare for their live pitch
It’s a nail biting couple of weeks for the remaining teams in BeChangeMaker 2018 as they prepare for the final at this year’s WorldSkills General Assembly.
12 October 2018
BeChangeMakers pitch their business ideas
The teams are as diverse as their chosen challenges. From India, Denmark, and Syria, tackling issues like neonatal and maternal death, clean water, and improving the lives of those with severe hearing problems.
4 September 2018
#BeChangeMaker teams start their entrepreneurial adventure
BeChangeMaker 2018 official team selection has been finalized! Out of applications from 166 teams that represent 31 countries, 15 teams that are made up of young people from across each continent will officially join the programme from 15 June.
11 June 2018
Become a social entrepreneur with BeChangeMaker
BeChangeMaker is back to enable more youth to take on global challenges through social entrepreneurship and the power skills!
5 April 2018
BeChangeMakers Enter Phase Two of their Social Entrepreneurship Development
Seven teams of young people took part in stage two of the BeChangeMaker, a programme initiated by WorldSkills International and the HP Foundation that focuses on addressing social, cultural, economic, health, educational, and environmental problems, and aims to empower the world’s youth to explore, harness, and realize their potential.
15 September 2017
Young social entrepreneurs unite to drive positive global change
Skilled young from around the world are gearing up for an online competition that will see them influence social change on a global level.
4 September 2017