22 July 2024
Making Our Mark: Laurence
Making Our Mark shows how young people are transforming industries and communities through their skills. For Canada’s Laurence Racine, that means realizing her dreams of becoming a seamstress and using her skills to change the perspectives and attitudes of her audience.

Laurence has always seen her craft as a form of art. Now, as a seamstress in the circus industry, she sees her skill as a creative way to tell stories. She says, “Working in the circus is like working in a magical world. There are no limits to the garments. We make cacti, ginormous slinkies. Anything you can think of, we could do it!”
She reflects on the effect this can have on an audience, saying, “The story you create and the costume you make for a show can change people’s perspectives on a subject or make them think and grow. It is a common thing now to talk about a serious subject in a show and raise awareness around it. I think that has a big impact on our community.”
Laurence studied Fashion at Montreal’s École des Métiers des Faubourgs and has always enjoyed turning big, bright, creative dreams into reality. As a seamstress, she takes time to work with the designer and their team to understand each show’s vision, so she can play her part in bringing the designers’ ideas to life. Her designs are now seen on stage by thousands of people at each show, delighting, and inspiring circusgoers from all over the world.
Laurence has always set her ambitions high, right back to when she took part in the Skills/Compétences Canada nationals. She took the gold medal in Fashion Technology and went on to compete at WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition, where she was awarded a Medallion for Excellence.
Laurence credits skills competitions with helping her believe in her abilities and be more confident. She has a desire to continue learning throughout her career and become even more versatile in her skill, knowing this will help her to stand out in her industry.
The passion she puts into her on-stage creations is also there in the talks she gives to students at her former school. Laurence explains, “It’s always fulfilling to talk to new students about my journey and inspire people through my experience. I am making my mark by being passionate. I think you can clearly see when someone is passionate about something, with the little spark in their eyes when they are talking, and the excitement in their voice.”
Laurence’s skills have unlocked a career where she is able to bring her energy and enthusiasm into every show she works on, as well as being an inspiring role model for others who might wish to follow in her footsteps.