WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2011

The WorldSkills Leaders Forum is an annual global event on themes of global relevance and are chosen based on input from delegates and Members. The WorldSkills Leaders Forum itself serves as an annual kick-start for the networking process, striving to exploit and develop the power of WorldSkills International’s global network to meet the needs of industry and commerce and those who train them – to the mutual benefit of all concerned. Its relevance and importance has grown and it is now an important and integral part of the annual WorldSkills calendar.
The WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2011 was held on Thursday, 6 October 2011. We brought to the stage several countries and international corporations that are making a difference in skills development and promotion. The WSLF was held in conjunction with the 41st WorldSkills Competition, the world's largest global skills promotion event bringing together some 58 countries and regions.
We carefully selected a mix of developing and developed countries from all over the world for this WSLF program. The Harvard Graduate School of Education report entitled "Pathways to Prosperity" was the catalyst behind the theme and direction of the 2011 WorldSkills Leaders Forum. Top speakers from around the world addressed the impact that vocational training had on economic growth as it pertains to their country or corporation.
Following presentations from key leaders in business and commerce, participants had their chance to engage in the WSLF through a ‘Question Time’ style session which explored the benefits of investing in skills, the role skills play in the global economic recovery and the importance of striving for excellence as a way of motivating young people.
A networking lunch was held during the WSLF and many examples of policy and practice were shared over the course of the day. The 2011 WSLF was proudly supported by WorldSkills International’s Global Industry Partners in partnership with WorldSkills London 2011's Premier Sponsors.
An archived schedule of the 2011 WorldSkills Leaders Forum is downloadable here (Programme current as of 21 September 2011).
Photos of the Leaders Forum are available on Flickr.
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