12 February 2015
WorldSkills Sweden research partner encourages “Skills for Growth”

WorldSkills Sweden is currently building a new research network across some of its leading universities and institutions. One of these private centres – the Ratio Institute – will host an international seminar in Stockholm 20-22 August 2015, on the topic ”Skills for Growth“.
The Ratio Institute invites young scholars – including graduate students – in fields such as education, economics, political science, business administration, sociology and economic history to submit paper proposals for this cross-disciplinary colloquium.
Papers dealing with the following issues are especially welcome:
- Growth, innovation and learning
- Wage-formation and skills
- Causes of youth unemployment
- Labour-market competence mismatch
- Vocational education and innovation
- The challenges of on-the-job-training
- Validation of skills and practical knowledge
- Policies to diminish these problems
Deadline for submission is 15 March 2015: please download the official Call For Papers (PDF) for more information.