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5 September 2024

Pastry chef Rachel Crawford: as comfortable on global stage as in the kitchen

Being a WorldSkills Champions Trust representative for Oceania and ASEAN has given Rachel the confidence to step out from behind the apron and share her story with young people around the world.

Rachel has always found happiness in creating delicious treats for people to enjoy. A lover of nature, she finds inspiration for new colours, flavours, and designs for her desserts and bakes by taking long walks amid Brisbane’s wildlife. But when she started in skills, she never imagined that young people around the world would be looking to her for inspiration.

Joining the WorldSkills Champions Trust has been a way for Rachel to pay it forward and encourage other young people to follow their dreams. She says, “I applied because I wanted to be a part of a movement that motivates youth to follow their passion, learn new skills, and push out of their comfort zone. When I got the email that said that I was accepted, it was one of the happiest days of my life. I could not believe it.”

Rachel became the first Australian to join the WorldSkills Champions Trust in 2023. Since then, she has spoken on International Women’s Day, presented to WorldSkills Members at the WorldSkills General Assembly 2023 in Dublin, sat on global panels with other thought leaders in skills, and met with young students to share her story and inspire them to consider Technical and Vocational Education and Training.

Rachel Crawford speaking to WorldSkills Members at the WorldSkills General Assembly 2023 in Dublin.

She has always dreamt of working in bakeries and patisseries around the world and her travels as a WorldSkills Champions Trust representative have made her even more determined to visit new countries and expand her network. Ultimately, she wants to open her own patisserie shop.

She says, “I love that my skill has a big impact on people’s day-to-day life. Bakery is essential for both nourishment and celebration and it is a privilege to use my skill to help people create memories, both big and small. But as a WorldSkills Champions Trust representative I have realized my impact is more than my baking. I can give people confidence to take the first step. That is why I say to those I meet, Find ways to be bigger and better. Explore your passion, indulge in your skill, and always learn because skills are valuable.”

Representatives from WorldSkills Champions Trust pose as a group in 2023.

To those who are hesitant about skills, she says, “If it’s what you truly love to do, that’s all you need. If you have always dreamt of doing it, do it. Take the leap of faith. It might seem scary in the beginning but it’s worth all the challenges you could come across. At the end of the day, when you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.”

If you feel inspired by Rachel’s journey with the WorldSkills Champions Trust and want to apply to be a representative in next year’s cohort, now is the time! Find out more about the process and how to apply.