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9 August 2024

Making Our Mark: Steven Harris

Our campaign Making Our Mark tells the stories of WorldSkills Champions who are inspiring the next generation. Steven Harris from India uses his role as Expert in Graphic Design Technology to help international students set out their own path to success, while raising the profile of skills in his own country.

Every young person is unique, and no journey through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is ever the same. Knowing this, Steven has spent the last year working as a Chief Expert in Graphic Design Technology for Emirates Skills where he has been helping Competitors create their own vision of skills success.

In mentoring these students, and preparing some for WorldSkills Lyon 2024, Steven starts by getting them to set their own personal and professional milestones. Competitions are important, but Steven believes they are one part of skills development. He encourages his students to feel proud of achieving their own goals along the way. He reflects, “When that feeling [of success] hits your heart, you want to do more and more. You take on unexpected journeys and you come out of it shining.”

Steven first discovered WorldSkills when he was studying Communication Design at university in India. He says, “I saw a poster of a former Competitor holding the Indian flag and I started digging deeper, researching the Competition. I immediately knew I wanted to get involved.”

He can track his career through these same steps to success. After winning at nationals, he went on to represent India at WorldSkills Competition Special Edition 2022 where he won a Medallion for Excellence. His talents attracted the attention of India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who sent Steven an honorary letter of appreciation praising him for his art by saying, “Your paintings indicate your talent for experiencing things deeply. The minute expressions executed with subtlety are heartwarming.”

His national achievements in India led him to complete a Graphic Design internship at the clothing brand Levi’s, before being invited to become the Chief Expert for Emirates Skills. He has since been made the first Graphic Design Technology Expert for ACTVET, the Government of Abu Dhabi’s Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and will serve as an Expert at WorldSkills Lyon 2024.

Steven is also helping UAE students strive for skills excellence by working closely with their teachers at several universities and schools. He says, “I work closely with students and teachers from several UAE schools and universities to show to help them prepare for national and regional competitions, leading to WorldSkills.”

At home and abroad, Steven’s path to success continues - and so do the journeys of the next generation of graphic designers who are inspired by his story and his teaching. He says, “With each step forward, I am inching closer to achieving my lifelong dreams and making my country proud. I will always strive to be a positive role model for these young people and find as many ways as possible to share my knowledge and expertise with them. I want them to pursue their passions with the same dedication and zeal that I did.”

Read more about our Making Our Mark campaign and the impact our Champions are having.