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Digital Construction

WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)

Occupation description and WSOS

The name of the skill competition is

Digital Construction

Description of the associated work role(s) or occupation(s)

Digital Construction using Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process for creating and managing information on a construction project across the project lifecycle. One of the key outputs of this process is the digital Building Information Model, the digital description of every aspect of the built asset. This digital model draws on information assembled collaboratively and updated at key stages of a project. Creating a digital Building Information Model enables those who interact with the building to optimise their actions, resulting in a more excellent whole life value for the asset.

With the new Digital Construction era, the design and construction industry is embracing new software technologies that collectively come under the heading of BIM. As a result, existing processes in the design, engineering and construction (AEC) industry are changing exponentially. This means that existing professions are facing new challenges and new workflows which require new skills. New industry roles are emerging with more commonly used titles of BIM Manager, BIM Coordinator, and BIM Technician.

Collaboration is an essential ingredient to the success of a BIM based project and improving the sustainability of our built environment. Digital Construction demands a high level of interpersonal skills in the form of communication, collaboration and creative problem solving. Digital Construction requires the recruitment of professionals with better transversal skills. The new processes provide a platform for architects, architectural technologists, engineers and contractors to work together and enhance their collective output. This requires for the complex interplay of technical skills, modelling and communication skills, all of which must be at a professional standard.

Building Information Modelling can be defined as using computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, and optimisation of graphically simulated building information. BIM-based software is used to increase the Digital Construction professionals’ productivity, improve the quality and sustainability of design, improve communication through documentation, and create a database for project implementation. The BIM output in the form of digital databases can be shared and collaboratively worked on using cloud-based platforms. The digital models can convey information such as real-world project location while simulating building elements and construction data compiled in accordance with international standards.

The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is embracing BIM, and it is becoming the industry standard for procuring buildings. The associated process and outputs are becoming essential to successful solutions for construction, engineering, and manufacturing problems. BIM's ability to federate or merge digital models allows for clash detection analysis, potentially reducing construction waste. BIM software helps us explore ideas, visualise concepts through photorealistic renderings, and simulates how the BIM driven project will perform in the real world.

The new roles emerging from the embedding of BIM in the industry have exciting implications for future career pathways.

The WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)

General notes on the WSOS

The WSOS specifies the knowledge, understanding, skills, and capabilities that underpin international best practice in technical and vocational performance. These are both specific to an occupational role and also transversal. Together they should reflect a shared global understanding of what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business (

The skill competition is intended to reflect international best practice as described by the WSOS, to the extent that it can. The Standard is therefore a guide to the required training and preparation for the skill competition.

In the skill competition the assessment of knowledge and understanding will take place through the assessment of performance. There will only be separate tests of knowledge and understanding where there is an overwhelming reason for these.

The Standard is divided into distinct sections with headings and reference numbers added.

Each section is assigned a percentage of the total marks to indicate its relative importance within the Standards. This is often referred to as the “weighting”. The sum of all the percentage marks is 100. The weightings determine the distribution of marks within the Marking Scheme.

Through the Test Project, the Marking Scheme will assess only those skills and capabilities that are set out in the WorldSkills Occupational Standards. They will reflect the Standards as comprehensively as possible within the constraints of the skill competition.

The Marking Scheme will follow the allocation of marks within the Standards to the extent practically possible. A variation of up to five percent is allowed, if this does not distort the weightings assigned by the Standards.

WorldSkills Occupational Standards


Relative importance (%)


Work organization and management



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • The various purposes and uses for BIM Modelling
  • Standards currently used and recognised by industry (ISO 19650-1 and 19650-2)
  • Health and safety legislation and best practice including specific safety precautions when using a visual display unit (VDU) and in a workstation environment
  • Technical terminology and symbols
  • Recognised IT systems and related professional design software
  • The correlation between the purpose of the information and level of detail needed to communicate design intent with accuracy and clarity, referring to the Levels of Detail (LODs) and Level of Information Need
  • The importance of effective communications and inter-personal skills between co-workers, clients and other related professionals
  • The importance of maintaining knowledge and skill in new and developing technologies
  • The role of providing innovative and creative solutions to technical and design problems and challenges
  • The importance of working to the deliverables and deadlines of the BEP (BIM execution plan)
  • The importance of working to the client brief
  • The different communication styles and how to adapt them to different contexts and audiences
  • The principles of active listening and effective feedback
  • The importance of maintaining positive and constructive relationships with team members, clients, and stakeholders

The individual shall be able to:

  • Apply the internationally recognised standards and standards currently used and recognised by industry
  • Apply and promote health and safety legislation and best practice in the workplace
  • Access and recognise standard component and symbol libraries
  • Use and interpret technical terminology and symbols used in preparing and presenting Information Models, Structural and Architectural drawings
  • Use recognized IT systems and related professional design software to consistently produce high quality designs and interpretations
  • Deal with co-ordination problems such as alerts received due to shared elements that have been modified
  • Produce work that consistently meets high standards of accuracy and clarity in the design and presentation of designs and model information to potential users
  • Use effective communications and inter-personal skills with and between co-workers, clients, and other related professionals to ensure that the BIM model process meets requirements of the BEP
  • Explain to clients and other professionals the role and purposes of BIM
  • Explain complex technical images to experts and non-experts, highlighting key elements
  • Maintain proactive continuous professional development in order to maintain current knowledge and skill in new and developing technologies and practices
  • Provide and apply innovative and creative solutions to technical and design problems and challenges
  • Provide a range of visualisations of the desired project in order to fulfil the client's brief accurately
  • Use effective verbal and written communication skills by adapting them to different contexts and audiences
  • Practise active listening and provide constructive feedback to co-workers, clients, and other related professionals
  • Build and maintain positive and constructive relationships with all members of the BIM project team


Software and hardware



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • Computer operating systems to be able to use and manage computer files and software correctly
  • Peripheral devices used in the digital construction process
  • Specific specialist technical operations within design software
  • The workflow for digital construction projects
  • The limitations of the design software
  • Formats and resolutions
  • The role of energy-efficient hardware and software in digital construction and their contribution towards UN SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)

The individual shall be able to:

  • Power up the equipment and activate the appropriate modelling software
  • Set up and check peripheral devices such as keyboard, and mouse
  • Use computer operating systems and specialist software to create and manage and store files proficiently both locally and to the Common Data environment BIM project
  • Select correct drawing packages from an on-screen menu or graphical equivalent
  • Use various techniques for accessing and using BIM software such as a mouse, menu, or tool bar
  • Configure the parameters of the software


Interpretation of the client brief



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • What information is provided in a client's brief
  • The importance of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)
  • The importance of the Asset Information Requirements (AIR) of the project
  • The relevant and current industry standards
  • How to work from a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) from the EIR
  • How to create and edit BIM information within a Common Data Environment (CDE) across the lifecycle of construction
  • The importance of file structures and sharing protocols within the CDE
  • How client briefs may incorporate elements related to UN SDGs such as SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

The individual shall be able to:

  • Interpret clients' briefs to determine:
  • Outline requirements of each project
  • Client goals
  • Locations
  • Work from BEPs, client briefs and EIRs to address client and project requirements
  • Create and edit BIM information within CDEs as per BEPs across the lifecycle of construction projects and provide access/set permissions to the necessary folders to the BIM team


Building Information Modelling



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • Programmes used in the BIM authoring and collaboration process
  • Computer operating systems in order to use and manage computer files and software
  • The importance of organising BIM objects into meaningful groups of disciplinary information that can be managed visually
  • How to create Building Information Models (BIMs), (Structural and Architectural)
  • Principles of Technical Design
  • How to access and use documentation in a BIM project
  • How to set up a BIM as a collaborative file
  • How to set up a project location, orientation, and level datum
  • The use of Work in Progress (WIP) folders or information states
  • The importance of Information exchanges (Data drops) at key project stages and of working to the requirements of the BEP
  • How to produce a given detail to current standards
  • The use of 3D visualisation tools
  • The principles of creative thinking and problem-solving techniques
  • The potential benefits and risks associated with innovative approaches
  • The latest trends and advancements in the field of BIM technology
  • How to create Building Information Models (BIMs) that are aligned with SDGs, particularly SDGs 3, 7, 8, 11, and 12. For instance, models could include features promoting health and well-being, energy efficiency, sustainable urban planning, and responsible consumption and production

The individual shall be able to:

  • Open an appropriate Project Information Model from the relevant directory within the CDE
  • Populate Project Properties with given information
  • Set each model up as collaborative files
  • Create work sets
  • Set each project Location, orientation and level datum
  • Create each structural grid
  • Create BIM models as per given drawings
  • Save each BIM model with a prescribed starting View
  • Save each Project Information Model within the CDE for use by the other disciplines via Construction Cloud software
  • Adhere to the requirements of the BEP to ensure Data drops are made via the Construction Cloud software
  • Produce scaled detailed drawings to the required standard using callout and details items
  • Create 3D visuals to illustrate each building from different viewpoints
  • Apply problem-solving techniques to overcome challenges that arise during the BIM modelling process
  • Use creative and innovative thinking to propose improvements in the BIM process and to solve technical and design problems
  • Stay abreast of and apply the latest trends and advancements in BIM technology to increase efficiency and quality of models


Model coordination



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • How to federate different discipline models with the same model format
  • What a hard and soft clash is and how to use the BEP to ensure requirements/responsibilities are achieved and perform a clash inspection
  • How to upload and report issues to BIM project and the CDE
  • How to perform and record details of a visual clash inspection
  • How the coordination of different models can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by reducing waste and inefficiencies (SDG 12), promoting energy efficiency (SDG 7), or creating healthier environments (SDG 3)

The individual shall be able to:

  • Federate Structural, Architectural and specialist designer project models
  • Perform Clash Inspections as per the BEP
  • Export all tests as per the BEP and issue to the CDE
  • Save and issue federated files as per the BEP
  • Quality assure each federated project model by visually inspecting each CDE hosted model
  • Identify issues with coordination in each new build that haven't shown up in the three clash tests.

For each issue discovered:

  • Create the issue
  • Add annotation describing the issue
  • Assign the issue to the BIM Manager on the project
  • Name each view as per the BEP


Asset information modelling



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • How to use Current Documentation standards for Building Information Modelling
  • How to populate each model with structural asset data
  • How to apply Classification Standards for model elements
  • How to create IFC data sheets
  • How to populate models with data related to the sustainability and energy efficiency of assets (SDG 7, SDG 12) and the promotion of health and well-being (SDG 3)

The individual shall be able to:

  • Update Project Information Models from the published directory
  • Ensure all required assets have the required data populated as per the latest standard
  • Add classification information to each model elements – referring to the project BEP
  • Create COBie and IFC data from BIM model elements


Data creation and management



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • The importance of data creation and extraction from the digital model for use by stakeholders in the project
  • How to create a Shared Parameter file for custom data requirements
  • How to create schedules of project information with customised data fields
  • How to use filters with parameters to visually express custom data requirements
  • How to create a visualisation that express's statutory regulations around fire and/or thermal u-values or similar
  • How to plot a sheet to PDF format
  • Basic understanding and ability in visual programming
  • The use of ACC Insight to visualise data within the CDE
  • How to use quantity take off tools
  • The concept of sustainability in digital construction and the role of BIM in supporting sustainable practices
  • The potential impact of construction projects on the environment and how BIM can help to mitigate these impacts
  • The principles of lifecycle analysis and how this can be incorporated into the BIM process
  • How data extraction from digital models can be used to track and improve performance against the SDGs

The individual shall be able to:

  • Create Shared Parameter files with custom parameters for selected building elements
  • Create Custom Tags to visually express technical information from custom parameters
  • Create colour filters to visually express technical information from the custom parameters on duplicate plans, sections and 3D cut sections
  • Create schedules of project information including custom parameters
  • Plot PDF sheet sets of combined PDFs to correct scale and correct sheet sizes
  • Run visual scripts to automate data extraction
  • Visualise data with dashboards within the CDE
  • Take off quantities from PDF and 3D models
  • Incorporate sustainability considerations into the data creation and management process
  • Use BIM to support decision-making that reduces the environmental impact of construction projects
  • Carry out lifecycle analysis as part of the BIM process to support sustainable decision-making


Site execution



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • How to publish construction documents for construction
  • How to create and complete digital safety checklists for construction sites
  • How to track construction site issues and assign them to stakeholders
  • How to set up meetings, protocol and outcomes, and assign action items to meeting attendees
  • How to manage assets and track assets for construction sites
  • How site execution practices can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, for instance through promoting safety and well-being (SDG 3), ensuring sustainable asset management (SDGs 7 and 12), and fostering decent work conditions (SDG 8)

The individual shall be able to:

  • Publish construction documents for construction
  • Create and complete digital safety checklists for construction site
  • Track construction site issues and assign them to stakeholders
  • Set up meetings, protocol outcomes, and assign action Items to meeting attendees
  • Manage assets and track assets for construction sites


References for industry consultation

General notes

WorldSkills is committed to ensuring that the WorldSkills Occupational Standards fully reflect the dynamism of internationally recognized best practice in industry and business. To do this WorldSkills approaches a number of organizations across the world that can offer feedback on the draft Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards on a two-yearly cycle.

In parallel to this, WSI consults three international occupational classifications and databases:


This WSOS falls with the following broad category: ICT Information and Knowledge Manager:

and aligns more closely with Computer User Support Specialists:

Adjacent occupations may also be explored through these links.


The following table indicates which organizations were approached and provided valuable feedback for the Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards in place for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.


Contact name

Digital Guerrilla Consultancy Ltd.

Pawel Kudosz, Assistant Digital Information Specialist


Keith Wilkinson, Project Director

Last updated: 27.10.2023 09:11 (GMT)
© 2025 WorldSkills International