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Beauty Therapy

WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)

Occupation description and WSOS

The name of the skill competition is

Beauty Therapy

Description of the associated work role(s) or occupation(s)

A beauty therapist generally works in the commercial sector, offering specialist services, treatments and advice for the skin, body care, massage, and make-up of individual clients. There is a direct relationship between the nature and quality of the service required, and the payment made by the client. Therefore, the beauty therapist has a continuing responsibility to work professionally and interactively with the client in order to give satisfaction and thus maintain and grow the business. Beauty therapy is closely associated with other parts of the service sector, such as hairdressing, fashion, and media and with the many products and services that support it, normally for commercial purposes.

Beauty therapy also has an important therapeutic role in supporting individual’s self-esteem and confidence. It may help to ameliorate the effects of illness and can aid recovery.

The beauty therapist works in diverse environments, including large or small salons within leisure and health related organizations. The specialist services and treatments offered by the beauty therapist relate to the face, body, feet, hands, and nails. The beauty therapist may specialize, for example in manicure, pedicure, or skin care. Irrespective of this, work organization and management, professional attitude, client care and relationships are the universal attributes of the outstanding beauty therapist.

The beauty therapist works in a 1:1 relationship with clients and can be part of a wider team. Whatever the structure of the work, the trained and experienced beauty therapist takes on a high level of personal responsibility and autonomy. From safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the client through scrupulous attention to safe working, to achieving exceptional make-up effects for special occasions, every treatment and client matters.

With the growing worldwide demand for beauty therapy services and associated products, and the international mobility of people, the beauty therapist faces rapidly expanding opportunities and challenges. For the talented beauty therapist there are many commercial and international opportunities; however, these carry with them the need to understand and work with diverse cultures and trends. The diversity of skills associated with beauty therapy is therefore likely to expand.

The WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)

General notes on the WSOS

The WSOS specifies the knowledge, understanding, skills, and capabilities that underpin international best practice in technical and vocational performance. These are both specific to an occupational role and also transversal. Together they should reflect a shared global understanding of what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business (

The skill competition is intended to reflect international best practice as described by the WSOS, to the extent that it can. The Standard is therefore a guide to the required training and preparation for the skill competition.

In the skill competition the assessment of knowledge and understanding will take place through the assessment of performance. There will only be separate tests of knowledge and understanding where there is an overwhelming reason for these.

The Standard is divided into distinct sections with headings and reference numbers added.

Each section is assigned a percentage of the total marks to indicate its relative importance within the Standards. This is often referred to as the “weighting”. The sum of all the percentage marks is 100. The weightings determine the distribution of marks within the Marking Scheme.

Through the Test Project, the Marking Scheme will assess only those skills and capabilities that are set out in the WorldSkills Occupational Standards. They will reflect the Standards as comprehensively as possible within the constraints of the skill competition.

The Marking Scheme will follow the allocation of marks within the Standards to the extent practically possible. A variation of up to five percent is allowed, if this does not distort the weightings assigned by the Standards.

WorldSkills Occupational Standards


Relative importance (%)


Work organization and management



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • Health, safety and hygiene legislation, rules, and regulations as they apply to the Beauty Therapy industry
  • The range and purposes of tools, equipment and electrical instruments used for each of the various beauty treatments and how to use, maintain and store them safely and securely
  • The purposes, uses, care and potential risks associated with products, cosmetics, and their ingredients
  • The importance of always following manufacturers’ instructions
  • Professional ethics when dealing with referrals from medical specialists
  • Principles of ergonomics
  • The time required for each beauty therapy treatment
  • How a business works, including the role of targets
  • The role of the individual in maintaining a successful business
  • The value of managing own continuing professional development
    •  from a Beauty Therapy treatment perspective
    •  in relation to the use of computer, digital and online technologies for development from a business perspective
  • the need to adapt to the rules and regulations of different countries, for health, safety, and hygiene, including the use of high technology, invasive equipment, and advanced product formulations
  • The importance of maintaining environmentally sustainable practices

The individual shall be able to:

  • Prepare treatment areas according to health, safety, and hygiene requirements
  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Set up equipment and prepare tools and materials
  • Provide smooth and effective services and in compliance with manufacturers’ instructions
  • Prepare treatment areas to promote maximum efficiency
  • Create inviting and relaxing ambiences to provide client safety and comfort
  • Complete treatments within commercially acceptable timeframes
  • Clean and tidy workstations after completing treatments
  • Recommend and advise on products
  • Provide after-care and retail advice
  • Keep up to date with industry trends, technologies, advanced product formulations, and fashions, and maintain professional development in these areas
  • Carry out treatments by adopting environmentally sustainable practices


Professional demeanour



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • How professional demeanour and presentation is essential for building positive client and colleague relationships
  • The significance of self-management and presentation for the comfort and reassurance of the client
  • The importance of posture in creating a professional image
  • The importance of being able to solve problems independently

The individual shall be able to:

  • Create and sustain excellent client and colleague relationships
  • Practise a professional image and manner with regard to uniforms, personal grooming, and interpersonal skills
  • Show respect for colleagues and clients
  • Manage own stress effectively
  • Maintain a balanced lifestyle with regular exercise


Client care and relationships



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • The requirement to keep records relating to clients, products and other relevant matters
  • Data protection requirements
  • The importance of client comfort, modesty, and discretion
  • The relationship between client expectations and meeting their actual needs, taking into consideration clients’ age, gender, culture, and ethnicity
  • Professional procedures when working with referrals from medical services
  • The significance of personalising treatments through the information gained by listening carefully to clients and questioning closely to aid analysis and accurate interpretation of client wishes
  • Contra-indications and the reasons why a beauty therapist would not undertake a treatment
  • The circumstances and reasons for referral onto medical advice
  • Contra-actions which can occur during a treatment and how they should be managed
  • The importance of communication skills, including appropriate forms and styles for communicating with clients of different cultures, ages, expectations, and preferences
  • The need to review clients holistically to ensure that treatment plans and prescriptions are designed with suitable lifestyle recommendations and post treatment client follow-up
  • The importance of attention to detail in all areas
  • The basis of effective and sustained client relationships
  • Nutritional science, the importance of exercise, skin conditions and hygiene
  • The common types of problem which can occur and how to resolve them independently
  • The taking of ‘before and after’ photographs to demonstrate treatment efficacy and potentially also for marketing.

The individual shall be able to:

  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Meet, greet and settle clients in a professional and welcoming manner
  • Provide clients with relaxing and memorable services which meet their managed expectations
  • Accurately read and interpret body language
  • Respect cultural differences, age, and gender, and adapt to client needs
  • Protect and maintain client dignity
  • Undertake visual and manual examinations
  • Recognize contra indications during the consultation and respond to them
  • Refer for medical advice as required
  • Identify precautionary conditions and formulate treatment adaptations accordingly
  • Clarify clients’ expectations and requirements during ‘consultations
  • Provide advice on colours, style, products, and how to care for skin and body
  • Provide advice on all treatments
  • Maintain positive contact with clients throughout their treatments
  • Identify any contra actions during treatments and respond to them appropriately
  • Seek feedback from clients before concluding treatments
  • Recognize and understand problems swiftly and follow a self-managed process for resolving
  • Ensure positive departures for clients
  • Carry out post-treatment follow-up consultations to determine client satisfaction or to provide information to mitigate any reactions


Temporary hair removal



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • Hair and skin types and structures
  • Hair growth cycles
  • Skin and hair condition
  • Products and equipment required to undertake waxing/sugaring procedures.
  • The importance of practising correct hygienic procedures when dealing with blood and bodily fluid
  • The Importance of providing the client with accurate aftercare advice
  • The importance of maintaining environmentally sustainable practices
  • The Importance of carrying out a thorough client consultation to determine contra-indications and actions, and how to modify treatments accordingly
  • The different eyebrow shaping techniques and brow designs

The individual shall be able to:

  • Prepare and test wax/sugar to hygiene specifications
  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Accurately assess clients’ hair/skin type and tolerance levels
  • Understand and follow manufacturers’ instructions
  • Test wax/sugar temperatures before wax services
  • Apply and remove film, hot and body temperature wax sugar, using soothing products, according to clients’ needs and following health and safety guidelines
  • Minimize waste throughout the entire process
  • Carry out hot wax, warm strip waxing, or sugaring techniques on a variety of areas
  • Apply and remove wax, sugar, with minimum trauma to skin
  • Remove all hair on completion of the waxing treatment
  • Deal with any blood and bodily fluids safely and hygienically to eliminate infection to others
  • Apply a range of eyebrow hair removal techniques including threading , tweezers,  or waxing products to shape and define eyebrows
  • Design the eyebrows according to the client’s facial shape
  • Offer after-care and retail advice
  • Carry out treatments by adopting environmentally sustainable practices





The individual needs to know and understand:

  • The methods of client and station preparation for all facial treatments
  • The anatomy, physiology and dermatology  of the face and head
  • Contra indications and actions, plus how to modify treatments
  • The importance of following safety procedures in using and maintaining electrical instruments
  • Different skin types and conditions and how they should be treated
  • The problems relating to the use of chemicals near the eyes
  • The different face, eye, and lip shapes
  • The different types and colours of make-up products needed to achieve desired outcomes
  • The different Eyebrow treatments and trends
  • The different Eyelash treatments and trends
  • Current trends and fashions in make-up
  • The importance of being able to solve problems independently
  • The importance of maintaining environmentally sustainable practices

The individual shall be able to:

  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Understand and follow manufacturers’ instructions
  • Identify correct methods of client preparation for facial treatments, taking into consideration client comfort and modesty
  • Complete pre-treatment consultations to determine clients’ needs, indications, contra-indications, precautionary conditions, and current skincare routines
  • Identify the correct methods of client and area preparation for electrical Facial Treatments
  • Carry out full facial skin analyses
  • Utilise the information provided during consultations and skin analyses to formulate suitable treatment procedures
  • Select products for each skin type/conditions , age, gender, and clients’ needs
  • Complete full facial treatments including the use of specialist skin care products and electrical equipment to meet clients’ needs
  • Carry out eyelash tinting to meet the clients’ needs .
  • Carry out a range of eyebrow treatments and shaping treatments to meet clients’ requirements
  • Apply make-up for a range of occasions including fantasy styles
  • Apply a range of false eyelashes (strip, cluster, and individual)
  • Offer home care prescriptions , after-care and retail advice
  • Recommend follow-up salon treatments
  • Avoid product wastage to maintain environmentally sustainable work practices





The individual needs to know and understand:

  • The methods of client and station preparation for body treatments
  • The anatomy and physiology, diseases and disorders of body systems
  • Body types, muscle tone, skin structure, and related medical conditions
  • The importance of following safety procedures in using and maintaining electrical instruments
  • The range of body massage treatments
  • The range of body treatments and products
  • The range of mechanical massage techniques, massage tools and electrical equipment
  • Cultural differences and requirements
  • The nature, purposes, and use of essential oils
  • The importance of maintaining environmentally sustainable practices
  • The importance of being able to solve problems independently

The individual shall be able to:

  • Carry out consultations and body analyses to develop body treatment plans to meet the identified needs of clients
  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Identify precautionary conditions and contra-indications for the various treatments and determine adaptations accordingly.
  • Identify correct methods of client preparation for body treatment, taking into consideration clients’ comfort and modesty
  • interpret and follow manufacturers’ instructions
  • Select the correct products for clients’ needs
  • Select, apply, and remove body scrub products based on clients’ needs
  • Select, apply, and remove body wrap products based on clients’ needs
  • Perform massages with appropriate rhythm, speed, pressure, and range of movements
  • Use a range of Massage tools and mechanical treatments
  • Use a range of electrical body therapy treatments to suit clients’ specific needs
  • Apply electrotherapy treatment precautions and safety measures throughout
  • Use a range of aromatherapy oils and make synergistic blends for individual client’s requirements
  • Avoid product wastage to maintain environmentally sustainable work practices
  • Recommend homecare Prescriptions , advice and retail advice
  • Offer follow-up salon treatments


Feet, hands, and nails



The individual needs to know and understand:

  • Nail and skin disease, disorders , infections and problems, including the hands and feet overall
  • The anatomy of the hand, feet, and nails
  • Healthy and safe use of chemical products.
  • Manicure and pedicure procedures and treatments
  • The maintenance and repair of natural and artificial nails
  • Artificial nail applications
  • A range of nail art designs and fashions.
  • Current trends and fashions in all nail services
  • The importance of maintaining environmentally sustainable practices

The individual shall be able to:

  • Prepare areas for nail treatments with appropriate products and ergonomic design
  • Provide client services in a professional, safe, and hygienic manner
  • Carry out spa manicures and pedicure treatments using a full range of treatments and products to meet client needs
  • Carry out treatments to include exfoliation, cuticle, massage, mask, and varnish applications
  • Apply a range of nail art designs, including 3D sculpture
  • Apply Gel Polish cured by the Blue UV curing light to meet the clients needs
  • Apply artificial nail tips
  • Apply a range of nail systems
  • Offer after-care and retail advice
  • Avoid product wastage to maintain environmentally sustainable work practices


References for industry consultation

General notes

WorldSkills is committed to ensuring that the WorldSkills Occupational Standards fully reflect the dynamism of internationally recognized best practice in industry and business. To do this WorldSkills approaches a number of organizations across the world that can offer feedback on the draft Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards on a two-yearly cycle.

In parallel to this, WSI consults three international occupational classifications and databases:


This WSOS appears to relate to Beauticians and Related Services:

and Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists: .

This and adjacent occupations can be explored through these links.

ILO 5142

The following table indicates which organizations were approached and provided valuable feedback for the Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards in place for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.


Contact name

Beijing Qingyun Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Cici Li, Training Director

Chongqing Gonglong Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Wang Kui, Training Director

CIDESCO International

Susanna Korpinen-Back, Sales and Marketing Director

SAAHSP (South African Association of Health and Skincare Professionals)

Philippa Crichton, President

Isa Carstens Academy

Yolande Swanepoel, Academic Head

Shanghai Beauty Farm Medical Health Industry Co., LTD

TangYing, Training Manager

The SPA Consultants

Marisa Dimitriadis, CEO

The SPA Consultants

Anna van der Walt, General Manager, Director


Elaine Willemse, International Business Development Manager

Wuhan Strait Xiao’s Beauty Development Co.,Ltd.

LiLi, General Manager

Last updated: 18.03.2024 12:19 (GMT)
© 2025 WorldSkills International