Optoelectronic Technology
WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)
Occupation description and WSOS
The name of the skill competition is
Optoelectronic Technology
Description of the associated work role(s) or occupation(s)
Optoelectronics is a branch of Photonics (the physical science of light). Optoelectronics combines the physics of light with electricity. Optoelectronic technology covers the design, manufacture and manipulation of hardware that converts electrical signals into photon signals and vice versa. Any device that does this can be referred to as optoelectronic.
Optoelectronics is a broad and fast developing field, defined by its:
- Products: for example, lighting, display, for communication and information, sensors, photovoltaic systems, and lasers
- Applications: such as research, automation, medical treatment, engineering, construction, security, advanced manufacture, detection, and measurement.
Occupations: covering work roles at all levels of complexity and responsibility.
This Description focuses on the occupational requirements of an optoelectronic (engineering) technician or associate professional. These personnel must work with accuracy and precision, meet detailed specifications and international quality standards, and have a wide range of technical capabilities. With the increase of energy-saving requirements and intelligent equipment, optoelectronic technicians need actively to ensure that their skills and knowledge remain up-to-date and meet industry standards and expectations.
Optoelectronic technicians work directly and indirectly with and for customers, so must communicate with them, and serve them well. They must explain complex optoelectronics straightforwardly and help clients to use systems and products correctly. The nature of their work generally requires total respect for confidentiality, together with integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of ethics.
In their scope of work, optoelectronic technicians may be involved in one, two, or all three stages of production, maintenance, and development, depending on the sector, size, and position of the employing organization, in the market or a supply chain.
- First, these technicians are engaged in the design, development, and manufacture of new devices or equipment, in either a leading or supporting role, depending on the scale and complexity of the commission. In this role they must work with optical, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical systems. They should also be able to use optoelectronic related software to assist their work.
- Second, these technicians will install, commission, and maintain optoelectronic systems, which are complex and vulnerable, for both their operation and their quality, to the impacts of humidity, vibration, field intensity, and ground connections. They must be very familiar with equipment’s interior structure. They are generally responsible for ongoing maintenance, repair, and development.
- Third, these technicians may be involved in quality control, testing, analysis, optimization, and reporting. As environmental concerns increase, and change accelerates with new technologies, this element of the role is expected to grow in importance. Optoelectronic technicians use specialist tools, including measurement and test equipment, and bespoke software.
There are many employment opportunities for optoelectronic technicians, as self-employed freelancers or entrepreneurs, with product agents and engineering companies, and elsewhere. This is a fast-growing field of employment, within which the exceptional technician can have either broad or deep expertise, and use this to advance rapidly as optoelectronics expands in importance and demand.
The WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS)
General notes on the WSOS
The WSOS specifies the knowledge, understanding, skills, and capabilities that underpin international best practice in technical and vocational performance. These are both specific to an occupational role and also transversal. Together they should reflect a shared global understanding of what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business (www.worldskills.org/WSOS).
The skill competition is intended to reflect international best practice as described by the WSOS, to the extent that it can. The Standard is therefore a guide to the required training and preparation for the skill competition.
In the skill competition the assessment of knowledge and understanding will take place through the assessment of performance. There will only be separate tests of knowledge and understanding where there is an overwhelming reason for these.
The Standard is divided into distinct sections with headings and reference numbers added.
Each section is assigned a percentage of the total marks to indicate its relative importance within the Standards. This is often referred to as the “weighting”. The sum of all the percentage marks is 100. The weightings determine the distribution of marks within the Marking Scheme.
Through the Test Project, the Marking Scheme will assess only those skills and capabilities that are set out in the WorldSkills Occupational Standards. They will reflect the Standards as comprehensively as possible within the constraints of the skill competition.
The Marking Scheme will follow the allocation of marks within the Standards to the extent practically possible. A variation of up to five percent is allowed, if this does not distort the weightings assigned by the Standards.
WorldSkills Occupational Standards
Section |
Relative importance (%) |
1 |
Work organization and management |
10 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
2 |
Communication and interpersonal skills |
5 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
3 |
Design and manufacturing of optoelectronic applications |
20 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
4 |
Installation and Implementation of optoelectronic applications |
35 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
5 |
Maintenance of optoelectronic applications |
15 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
6 |
Optimization of optoelectronic applications |
15 |
The individual needs to know and understand:
The individual shall be able to:
Total | 100 |
References for industry consultation
General notes
WorldSkills is committed to ensuring that the WorldSkills Occupational Standards fully reflect the dynamism of internationally recognized best practice in industry and business. To do this WorldSkills approaches a number of organizations across the world that can offer feedback on the draft Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards on a two-yearly cycle.
In parallel to this, WSI consults three international occupational classifications and databases:
- ISCO-08: (http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/)
- ESCO: (https://ec.europa.eu/esco/portal/home )
- O*NET OnLine (www.onetonline.org/)
This WSOS appears most closely to relate to an Optoelectronics Engineering Technician: ESCO: https://esco.ec.europa.eu/en/classification/occupation?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.europa.eu%2Fesco%2Foccupation%2Fdcfeb6e4-f39d-49fb-96cd-23292fb3e037
and a Photonics Technician: O*Net:
These links can also be used to search adjacent occupations.
ILO 3114
The following table indicates which organizations were approached and provided valuable feedback for the Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards in place for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.
Organization |
Contact name |
Vcom Education Technology |
Jennifer Huang, Assistant of CEO |
Xi'an Novastar Tech Co., Ltd. |
Laurence Luo, Director of NCE committee |
Last updated: 27.10.2023 09:22 (GMT)
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