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Urban Design Challenge

13-16 January 2016

The first Urban Design Challenge in Rio de Jainero, 2016, focused on three design topics:

  • A system that allows better use of available water resources
  • Recreational facilities for children and youth in areas 
  • Re-Designing a wooden cabin as waste containers

WorldSkills Foundation worked with Autodesk and ETC (Educational Technology Consulting) to launch the first Urban Design Challenge from 13 to 16 January 2016 with local support from SENAI, SEBRAE, ISER (Institute of Religious Studies), Reciclaçao, and Jovens Constructores in Rio de Janeiro

In Favela Morro dos Prazeres, 34 young people (15 to 20 years old) worked with 10 WorldSkills Experts and 11 Autodesk Student Experts on developing ideas to improve the conditions and facilities for recycling, water, and recreation in their community. In addition to the solutions for these three critical areas, the teams created educational tools and communication plans for encouraging new attitude and action habit to help keep the solutions sustainable.

In preparation for the work ahead, the teams joined a productive design thinking workshop which was a dynamic process for brainstorming, identifying problems and team roles, and developing ideas.

Each team presented their work by showing their plans for the facilities, the use of space, and 3D animations of the solution.

Representatives from WorldSkills Foundation, Autodesk, SENAI, Sebrae, Favela Morro dos Prazerese community, and the British College evaluated the final presentations from each team and provided constructive feedback on their proposals, including advice going forward.

The Urban Design Challenge gave youth from Favela Morros dos Prazeres the tool and inspired them to change their future. With their enthusiasm, commitment, and excellent work, we expect very exciting results in the second stage of the project in the near future.

Topic on water: Prazeres guarda a chuva (Prazeres keeps the rainwater)

Designing a system that allows better use of available water resource - collecting and filtering rainwater for toileting, cloth-washing (hand and machine), floor-cleaning, and gardening.


  • Reduction of the amount of potable water needed in households.
  • To be more independent from the public water distribution system.
  • To increase the availability of drinking water in the public network due to the reduction in the households.
  • Reduction of rainwater in the drainage system.
  • Reduction of energy needed to pump water, therefore lower the cost of pump maintenance.
  • To benefit the local economy due to the needs for system insulation.
  • To increase more awareness of water saving.
  • To improve the sustainability of our planet.

 3D animation of the solution

Topic on recreation: Prazeres, Eu Amo, Eu Cuido (Prazeres I Love It, I Take Care Of It)

Designing recreational facilities for children and youth in areas that are not being used in the community.


  • To create a social space in a safe environment.
  • To facilitate learning in a fun way.
  • To make relationship building easier in the community.
  • To create a space for physical training for the youth and adults.

 3D animation of the solution

Topic on recycling: Prazeres Ação, Cuidar E Solução (Prazeres Action, Attention And Solution)

Designing a wooden cabin as waste containers location, separated by the types of waste.


  • To improve environmental aesthetics.
  • Protection against animal visits.
  • To improve the cleanliness of the area.
  • To create a healthy environment.
  • To facilitate waste separation for having better recycling system.

 3D animation of the solution
