World Youth Skills Day 2019
We believe #SkillsChangeLives. Through the power of skills individuals, communities, and countries are propelled towards a more prosperous future.
The United Nations, at its General Assembly in November 2014, declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day. WorldSkills is proud to be part of a global recognition and promotion of skills.
Join us using the hashtag #wysd2019 so we can see all your activities and events.
During the week of 15 July, in celebration of World Youth Skills Day, WorldSkills will have exhibition space at the United Nations High-level Political Forum at the New York headquarters.
WorldSkills at the UN
In support of UNESCO’s theme for the day “Learning to learn for life and work” our Champions Trust are developing a video campaign to encourage young people from around the globe to develop selfie style videos that outline how their life has changed by learning a skill.
Video Campaign
On our social media channels, we will be requesting skilled people share in a 1-minute video what motivated them to learn a skill, what they learnt about themselves in the process, and how they continue to master their skills everyday.
We encourage you to tag any videos or images posted on your social media with #WYSD2019 to connect to the larger campaign.