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Improving the quality of life for clients by working closely with the medical profession to provide care, recuperation, and rehabilitation while promoting physical and psychosocial wellbeing.
A health and social care practitioner delivers health support from initial care to rehabilitation. Through building a close relationship with medical practitioners they are able to support patients and their families to ensure their holistic care needs are met.
Health and social care practitioners will have strong social skills as they work extensively with patients. They will also need a well developed emotional intelligence to handle some of the more challenging patients and the distress of bereavement.
United Arab Emirates
As well as offering skill specific products from car paint spraying to graphics and health care, 3M also partners with WSI to improve worldwide safety standards. With operations in 65 countries and products sold in nearly 200 countries, 3M has improved the lives of hundreds of millions globally.
The WorldSkills Occupational Standard specifies the knowledge, understanding and specific skills that underpin international best practice in technical and vocational performance. It should reflect a shared global understanding of what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business.
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