1 September 2011
WorldSkills Premiere Experience - learn about the UK systems
By Jenni Lovegrove, WorldSkills London 2011
Work Inspiration
The Work Inspiration campaign aims to better prepare young people for employment and bridge the transition between the classroom and the world of work by turning work experience into ‘Work Inspiration’. The Big Conversation is run on the morning of Wednesday, October 5, 2011 followed by an afternoon of seminars by employers for employers, addressing key topics and issues related to developing current and future skills and the delivery of valuable and engaging work placements.
To find out more about Work Inspiration please visit our website .
Study Visits
Visit a selection of further education colleges, training centres and employers. The visits will set out best practice and innovations in the English college and vocational training sector and will showcase a specific skill to link into the WorldSkills Competition. They will demonstrate how colleges and employers are responding to curriculum, educational and funding challenges, as well as the policy priorities of the UK Coalition Government.
For a full list of the study visits available and the dates and times please visit our website .