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4 July 2012

WorldSkills Leipzig 2013: Preparations are on track one year ahead

wsc2013_messe.jpgBy Werner Kipp, WorldSkills Leipzig 2013

With just under a year to go before the next WorldSkills Competition, 1127 Competitors from 49 countries/regions have provisionally registered to enter one of the 45 skills which are due to begin on 3 July, 2013.

More than 950 Competitors participated in the last WorldSkills Competition in London 2011. “With the help of our venue partner, Leipziger Messe, we have already planned out the majority of the Competition work stations. With the data from the Provisional Registration, we can finalise our planning”, says Dr. Claus Andresen, CEO of WorldSkills Leipzig 2013. “We’re actually in the third year of intensive preparations. We are right on schedule in all sectors”, says Dr. Theodor Niehaus, President of WorldSkills Leipzig 2013.

Beyond the Competition, there will be an ambitious conference program with international participation. ”In collaboration with all stakeholders in vocational training, we want to use the potential of WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 to create an excellent framework for a conference program,” says Elfi Klumpp, executive board member of WorldSkills Germany. WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 will take place from 2 – 7 July at Leipziger Messe. In 45 official skills, Competitors under the age of 23 will seek to beat the best of the best from around the world in their chosen skills.