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6 October 2011

WorldSkills CEO recognised for Leadership Excellence

insso_250.jpgBy Dale Cox, WorldSkills International

On Monday 3rd October, the International Network of Sector Skills Organisations (INSSO) presented David Hoey, CEO WorldSkills International, with the Global Award for Leadership in Skills and Workforce Development 2011. The presentation was made at the inaugural INSSO Conference, “Work Global, Act Sectoral” which was designed to coincide with WorldSkills London 2011.

Mr Hoey was presented with his award by Mr Jack Matthews, CEO Improve Ltd (Sector Skills Councils, UK). WorldSkills International is passionate about connecting and inspiring organisations throughout the world, committed to promoting excellence and innovation, and celebrating those who achieve at the highest levels. This award recognises the positive global influence of WorldSkills International and Mr Hoey’s dedication to steer the mission of the organisation into a strong connected future.
