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9 December 2010

WorldSkills Australia Skillnews - December

au_newsletter_december_2010.jpgBy WorldSkills Australia

Already we find ourselves in December and counting down the days until another year rolls by. From all accounts, 2010 was a successful year for WSA with many highlights. In reviewing the year at the final WSA Board meeting recently, I noted the following as being significant events in 2010:

  • The 2010 Australian Scout Jamboree - the World’s Biggest Try’aTrade
  • The 2010 National Competition in Brisbane
  • Entering into a new 3 year funding agreement with the Australian Government
  • John Shiel (the very well respected Technical Delegate for WSA) being voted onto the Board of WorldSkills International
  • The inaugural WSA Youth Forum
  • The formal announcement of the 2010 Team Australia Skillaroos at the Australian Training Awards

Read the full newsletter here.