17 May 2014
Welcome to WorldSkills, Mongolia!

We are happy to welcome Mongolia, the 69th and newest Member of WorldSkills!
Mongolia has an operational priority to prepare their workforce based on the labour market demand through professional education and a developed training system. The Mongolian TVET system is focused on becoming demand driven, with an importance placed on improving learning environments through upgrading equipment, workshop construction, and instructional learning materials.
Becoming a Member of WorldSkills will assist Mongolia in gaining the knowledge on best practices of developing, piloting, and implementing competency based training curriculums and standards within their TVET system. It will also help them assess and establish a national qualification framework.
Quick Facts about Mongolia:
- Mongolia is a very large country, bordered by Russia and China.
- Ulaanbaatar is the largest city and capital of the country. It is home to approximately 45% of the total population, which is close to 2.9 million people.
- The climate and landscape in Mongolia is very unique, since it has mountains to the north and west, and the Gobi Desert to the south.
- The official language of Mongolia is Mongolian, and is spoken by 95% of the population.
As a Member of WorldSkills, Mongolia can now participate in the WorldSkills Competition and other activities, gain access to the network of worldwide resources and expertise in skills training and promotion, and compare themselves against the highest global benchmark set by countries and regions with the most advanced skilled levels.