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20 August 2009

Team Denmark 2009 sent off to Calgary with a great show

dk_cabinetmaker_250.jpgBy SkillsDenmark

The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions and the Confederation of Danish Employers wished all our Competitors the best of luck for WorldSkills Calgary 2009 in a great skills show held at the Town Hall Square in Copenhagen August 20th.

All day long students from the upper grades of compulsory schools milled around the tents where they could watch the Danish Champions work, talk to them and even try their own hand at the different trades.

It was a huge success! The different trades had bought enough supplies for everybody to try a skill, but several of them ran out already at 12 o’clock, so heavy was the demand. Many students went home today boasting that they had laid some bricks straight, started a CNC machine and turned a little sculpture with their own twist on the design, or made a marcipan flower, spraypainted a pattern or cut some wood.

The Minister of Education opened the Skills Show 2009, praising the development of talents and the possibilities that participation in a WorldSkills Competition would open up for them, and after that proceeded to try his own hand at some of the trades. He fell in love with the hybrid Mercedes that our Automobile Technician was working on, and considers getting one himself.

Big screens were set up showing action from the various tents throughout the day, and from the big centre stage rap music about skills, made especially for the show by a well known Danish rapper, was heard, along with a rock band and a young talented singer.

Now we are just counting the days till we meet in Calgary!

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