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23 November 2010

Team Australia Skillaroos Announced

au_team_announcement_november_2010.jpgBy WorldSkills Australia

Team Australia Skillaroos were officially announced on Friday, November 19th at the Australian Training Awards at Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush. Senator Chris Evans, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations announced The Skillaroos and presented them each with a certificate of achievement at the prestigious Australian Training Awards will be formally announced by.

The Skillaroos are 30 of Australia’s elite skilled Champions who will train tirelessly for the next 10 months, refining their skills in preparation to compete against other Competitors from around the world in their quest for gold at the 41st WorldSkills Competition in London, UK next year.

The Skillaroos will be representing 27 different skill areas such as Restaurant Service, Fashion Technology, Car Painting and Landscape Gardening.

Read the full announcement.