2 September 2009
A+ Standards for A+ People
On Monday, WorldSkills Competitors from 51 countries/regions scattered the Calgary Stampede grounds to check out the Competition site, and see their workstations. Likely being the most intense competition these Competitors have ever experienced, they all want to find some comfort in today, taking valuable time to become familiar with their surroundings.
So far, the response has been positive from all of the busy Competitors and trainers. Australian Competitor from Manufacturing Team Challenge (MTC) said, “the competition space is so big and organised!” The Brazilian Competitor at MTC gave two thumbs up when asked if he was settling in.
Many volunteers, sponsors, and staff have been working endless hours to prepare the Competition site and personal workstations over the past couple of weeks. The fruits of their labour have been well received. This Competition week is off to a good start.