23 September 2016
Skills/Compétences Canada and SkillsUSA Host General Assembly 2016

More than 300 skill and vocational thought leaders will be in Niagara Falls, Canada for WorldSkills General Assembly 2016.
This event marks two exciting firsts:
• The first time the WorldSkills General Assembly week long event is in Canada
• The first time the WorldSkills General Assembly is hosted collaboratively between two Members
The city of Niagara Falls is a geological wonder and welcomes approximately 12 million visitors yearly. Today Niagara Falls and its waterways represent the largest source of hydroelectric power in the world! Known for its majestic backdrop, Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that bridge the international border between Canada and the United States. Horseshoe Falls (the largest of the three) pours over 20 billion litres of water hourly, making it the world’s largest waterfall!
The city represents a key link between Canada and the United States, which makes it a perfect fit for Skills/Compétences Canada and SkillsUSA to join forces for this international event. The partnership between Skills/Compétences Canada and SkillsUSA is a natural extension of the warm, long-standing friendship between our North American countries.
General Assembly 2016 will bring together representatives from 75 WorldSkills Member Organizations from across the globe and is a great opportunity to network with global education and industry leaders and skill specialists to discuss the future of skilled trades and technologies. The General Assembly also represents an opportunity to contribute to the development and adoption of the WorldSkills Vision 2025.
We would like to thank all of our industry partners for their ongoing support and for helping us host this event. We look forward to a successful and impactful WorldSkills General Assembly 2016. We will be so happy to meet everyone over the next few days.
Shaun Thorson Timothy W. Lawrence
Chief Executive Officer Executive Director
Skills/Compétences Canada SkillsUSA