27 January 2010
Skills Fashion Competition in Turkey
On 10 ,11 and 12 December in Bursa, Turkey, Dutch VET students achieved silver and bronze during the Skills Fashion Competition. The silver medal was won by Nathan Reijnen and Annelinde Gorter from the ROC Mondriaan. The bronze medal was for Hilda de Jong and Helena van Zuijlen from the Friesland College. On 4, 5 and 6 March they have hereby acquired a place in the Dutch fashion finals at Skills Masters in Ahoy Rotterdam.
In total 16 Dutch students and 24 Turkish students participated in the skill competition. In three days time they had to design and create a dress for the summer of 2010. The jury paid high attention to design, used techniques and cooperation in the teams.
Skills Masters At Skills Masters the competition will be between the three best Dutch and the three best Turkish teams. From 23 to 26 November 2010 the best Dutch team and the best Turkish team will participate in EuroSkills in Lisbon.
Skills Netherlands Skills Netherlands supported Skills Turkey in the organisation of the skill competitions. The Ministry of OCW and the Kenniscentrum Handel supported the Skills Fashion Project. Together with Skills Netherlands their goal is to stimulate internationalization within vocational education. Skills Netherlands also organizes many different projects to promote vocational education, like the skill event Skills Masters.
More information you can find on www.vakwedstrijden.nl.