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11 December 2014

Skills Connected in Hong Kong

The Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao, Chengdu Youth Skills Competition (GHMCYSC) and Carnival 2014 successfully finished on 1 November at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, Hong Kong. The regional youth skills competition is held biennially in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao, or Chengdu on rotation. The GHMCYSC 2014 was organized by the Vocational Training Council with five skills in the Competition: Beauty Therapy, Computer Animation, Fashion Design and Technology, Intelligent Home Appliances Installation and Mobile Robotics.

The event was themed “Skills Connect” and featured special activities such as “Skills Connect DIY” (Try-a-Skill) and careers advisory service which attracted the attention of youth, parents and teachers. Around 10,000 visitors attended the event, witnessed the Competition first-hand and tried out a skill that inspired them. More than 20 educational yet intriguing “Skills Connect DIY” activities were showcased, these included body painting, producing sheet metal sailboat model, trying out an air fighter TV game and learning simple resuscitation skills with Sim-patients.

The integration of Competition, Try-a-Skills and professional career advice into one event was especially impressive for local public and delegates from Guangzhou, Macao and Chengdu. It truly inspired local youth that VET was the choice for their career development. The next GHMCYSC will be held in Guangzhou in 2016. We look forward to seeing you there!

Further information of the GHMCYSC and Carnival 2014 is available at