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7 June 2010

Qualifying for the Nationals, Korean-style

Solar car competition

By WorldSkills Korea

The Local Skills Competition 2010 was held  7–12 April 2010 in 16 cities nationwide. It was the biggest in Korea so far, with 10 243 Competitors in 56 skills ranging from Polymechanics to Beauty Therapy.

The winners of the Local Skills Competition were awarded medals, certificates and prize money and qualified to compete in the 45th National Skills Competition, which will be held on  7–13 September 2010 in Incheon City. The winners are also exempted from the crafts level of the national qualification certificate.

The Competition was accompanied by a range of cultural events, including demonstrations and training in specialised local and regional skills and trades.

A total of 365 Competitors participated in 17 locally specialised skills. They included making kimchi (the Korean staple of seasoned fermented vegetables), ‘Making a video’ incorporating art into a video sketch, battle robot soccer, women’s scuba diving, and a solar car competition.

For more information please visit WorldSkills Korea.