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16 September 2013

In memory of Johan de Haan

photo_johan_de_haan.jpgOn 5 July 2013, Johan de Haan suddenly and unfortunately passed away at the age of 75. 

From the mid-seventies Johan was working for the VVA , the organization representing WorldSkills (then IVTO) in the Netherlands, Johan worked several years as the VVA director. He was involved in the organization for more than twenty year on a regional, national and even twice in the international organization of WorldSkills (at that time known as the international skills competitions for young professionals) in the Netherlands, where he was responsible for the supervision of participating Dutch delegations.

In 1977 Johan de Haan was closely involved in the international skills competition in Utrecht. In the late eighties and early nineties, the Netherlands experienced, thanks to the input of Johan, some very successful participation in WorldSkills Competitions. Under his guidance, the WorldSkills Competition was again successfully organized in 1991 in the Netherlands (Amsterdam). Informally he resigned in 1997 at the 34th WorldSkills Competition. The Dutch Experts gave Johan and his wife Ria a memorable evening which memories he cherished and he was also acknowledged by the WorldSkills organization for his contributions.

Where it was possible, he continued following the development of WorldSkills from a distance. In a publication in 1999, Johan then recorded some anecdotes and events about his 20 years of involvement in international skills competitions. One of his quotes:

"It was definitely hard work during the competitions, especially if you want to prepare the conditions for your country as best as possible '.

At the funeral which was organized shortly after Team Netherlands returned from the WorldSkills Competition in Leipzig, numerous colleagues paid tribute to Johan and conveyed condolences to Ria, his wife. On behalf of everyone involved in the Dutch & International skills community we sincerely extend and express our condolences to Ria and other relatives.