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26 August 2024

Meet the BeChangeMaker 2024 finalists preparing to travel to Lyon to make their live pitch

The stage is set for the grand finale. Five exceptional teams will showcase their social enterprises to a global audience at WorldSkills Conference 2024. We asked them to take a moment out of their intensive schedule to tell us more about their innovations.

With just a few weeks to go, the five BeChangeMaker 2024 finalists are working hard with business specialists to put the finishing touches to their presentations. They will then travel to Lyon, France and make their pitch, live, to a hall of delegates on the final day of WorldSkills Conference 2024. This momentous event marks the culmination of a rigorous journey that began in June, when 30 teams of young entrepreneurs started an intensive programme of learning, coaching, and mentoring.

But who are they and what has been the inspiration for their business ideas? Let’s find out…

CarePlug, formerly known as DotConnectors, Zimbabwe

Medical professionals, Yvet Turugari and Tatenda Edward Muzondori aspire to bridge the gap in healthcare access through telemedicine in Zimbabwe's healthcare sector. Having witnessed loved-ones struggle with chronic conditions and the inefficiencies of paper-based medical records, the team was motivated to create a solution that could revolutionize healthcare delivery.

Yvet explains, "We recognized that with the right technology, patients could easily share vital signs with their doctors, enabling remote monitoring and timely interventions. We have developed CarePlug – a comprehensive telemedicine platform with an integrated Electronic Health Record system."

Tatenda says, "We are creating a user-friendly platform that enables secure remote consultations and prescription refills, reducing the need for in-person visits. Our goal is to increase access to quality healthcare, especially for underserved populations, while reducing costs and improving health outcomes. We believe CarePlug has the potential to transform healthcare delivery, making it more accessible, efficient, and effective for all."

Reflecting on their journey to WorldSkills Lyon 2024, Yvet says, "It is a tremendous honour to share our vision with innovators, investors, and industry experts from around the world. We are approaching the pitch with a mix of eagerness and nervousness, knowing this moment could be a game-changer for our project."

Team Holly, Colombia

Born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia, the founders of Holly, Nicole Sanchez and Andrés Felipe Díaz, were driven by a shared observation: in today's world, people often struggle to acknowledge and manage their emotions. This realization sparked their passion for creating an innovative solution to address emotional wellbeing.

Holly emerged as an initiative focused on educating people about the importance of emotions and empowering them to manage their feelings effectively. The founders aim to generate positive social impact and contribute to their community's development through this unique approach to emotional intelligence.

Nicole explains, "With Holly, we aim to highlight the importance of emotions. Why is it important to be sad? Why is stress important? What does each emotion teach us in the specific situations of our daily lives? This is our vision: we want to become a global movement for proactive emotional well-being!"

Andrés says, "We are feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. While we have participated in pitching competitions before, we have not had the chance to present in front of so many people. We are ready for the challenge and believe this is a key opportunity to advance our solution and spread our message of 'it's worth feeling' more quickly and personally.”

Planet Plus, Kenya

Idah Odeka and Sarah Kutahi are the driving force behind Planet Plus, a women-led social enterprise focused on tackling inadequate waste management and environmental pollution in Kenya's urban centers. Idah and Sarah, both Environmental Conservationists with over five years’ experience, are joined by Beverly Masita, a communications expert, and Juliana Kimani and Diana Musa, who specialize in partnerships, sales, and marketing.

Having witnessed the detrimental effects of improper waste disposal in their communities, the team was motivated by recent flooding events in Kenya that claimed up to 400 lives, underscoring the urgency of the problem. Their initiative transforms packaging with biodegradable bags.

Idah explains, "Inadequate waste management in informal settlements, which make up approximately 60% of urban centres, leads to clogged drainage systems and the spread of waterborne diseases. We have developed biodegradable garbage bags designed for proper collection, sorting, and composting to address these environmental and health challenges."

Sarah adds, "We are championing environmental protection and conservation by building resilient communities in the face of climate change. We have already made strides in reforestation efforts across Kenya and are providing alternative livelihoods for forest-adjacent communities. For example, we are helping Mau Forest dwellers brand and market their honey, reducing dependence on forest-depleting activities. We hope to expand our impact across Kenya and beyond, contributing to the realization of multiple Sustainable Development Goals."

RiceUP, Vietnam

Lam Quynh Nguyen, Linh Khanh Nguyen, and Dat Dang Nguyen are three university students from Vietnam's growing hospitality sector, determined to revolutionize food packaging in the booming delivery market. Inspired by the harmful impact of single-use plastic packaging and the underdeveloped plastic waste management system in Vietnam, the team sought to create an environmentally friendly alternative.

Lam shares, "Our RiceUP plantable packaging is crafted from rice straw, which we transform into biodegradable and plantable material. Customers can enjoy their takeaway meal, then tear the packaging into smaller pieces and plant them to grow fresh herbs right in their homes, leaving no waste in the environment."

Linh continues, "We want to maintain profitability in takeaway food service while being environmentally friendly. Our goal is to replace current excessive plastic packaging, preventing thousands of kilograms of CO2 emissions and saving billions of dollars in plastic recycling treatment. Ultimately, we aim to foster a new generation of conscious consumers with a green mindset in their daily lives."

Dat says, "BeChangeMaker 2024 has enabled us to make a meaningful impact by leaving sustainable footprints on the world. Through HP LIFE's invaluable resources, including startup tools and coaching, we have taken crucial steps forward. This journey aligns with our VinUniversity's spirit of being the change to change the world, and fosters our entrepreneurial mindset."

Sekofia, Nigeria

Founded by Nigerian students Ochong Johnson Aduma and Nino Chibuzor Nwachukwu from the African Leadership University in Rwanda, Sekofia aims to revolutionize healthcare access in Africa. Their SaaS platform connects patients, healthcare providers, and insurance companies, streamlining insurance verification and claim processes.

Ochong explains their inspiration, "We personally encountered long wait times to validate insurance coverage in hospitals and, on several occasions, had to pay out-of-pocket for medical consultations and medicines – with claims that were never successfully processed. Our target problems are not just theoretical; they are real challenges that we lived through, and they fuelled our determination to create meaningful change."

Nino adds, "We are super excited about the live pitch in Lyon and we are constantly working to ensure we put our best foot forward. This is our first time on a global stage, so while there are some nerves, we are also very confident in the work we have done and the impact we believe Sekofia will have."

BeChangeMaker 2024 is a collaborative initiative between WorldSkills, the HP Foundation, and UNESCO-UNEVOC. It has guided these aspiring change-makers through a series of challenges. The field was first narrowed to 15 teams, and earlier in August, after another competitive online pitch, the top five emerged as finalists. You can watch the livestream of the final pitch of BeChangeMaker 2024, taking place from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST on 12 September at WorldSkills Conference 2024 in Lyon, France on