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14 March 2023

Infrastructure preparations underway for WorldSkills Lyon 2024

Key stakeholders will meet in Lyon, France from 17 to 19 March for the Competition Infrastructure Workshop.

The first Competition Infrastructure Workshop, a new step in the process of organizing a WorldSkills Competition, will take place from 17 to 19 March in Lyon, France.

Skill Competition Managers, Workshop Managers, Global Partners, and Event Sponsors, along with the Competition Organizer and WorldSkills International will meet to prepare the Infrastructure Lists for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.

The workshop will kick-start discussions on the technical requirements for each skill competition, with final sign-off at Competition Preparation Week in January 2024.

Infrastructure Lists – which outline all required materials and equipment for over 60 skill competitions – are fundamental to ensuring readiness for the event.

Having a Competition Infrastructure Workshop early in the organizational timeline offers key stakeholders the opportunity to identify required materials and equipment, consider innovations, incorporate new technologies, and review past experiences to refine the infrastructure for the next WorldSkills Competition.

“There are multiple benefits in streamlining the Infrastructure List at this point in the preparations,” said Jane Stokie, WorldSkills Director of Skills Competitions. “Our goal is to always reflect current industry so adding up to date equipment to a list early allows sufficient time for Members to train their teams accordingly.”

The discussions will also benefit from the participation of Global Partners and Event Sponsors, who can provide practical advice on the required equipment.

With global supply chains still lagging from the disruptions of the pandemic, the workshop’s outcomes will ensure all materials and high-value equipment are secured well ahead of the event.

WorldSkills Lyon 2024 will take place from 10 to 15 September 2024 at EUREXPO Lyon. The 47th WorldSkills Competition will welcome 1,500 Competitors from over 65 countries and regions to Lyon, France.