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4 September 2009

Information Technology Forum

wsc2009_infotechforum_090904bb_00055_250w.jpgDo you have a passion for technology? Just think, on a regular day you wake up to the sound of your alarm, talk on a cell phone, check email, watch TV, stop on red, go on green. Even in the first hour of a typical day, there is an abundance of technology that has become a part of our daily lives.

On Friday September 4, WorldSkills Calgary 2009 held an Information Technology Forum at the Boyce Theater, with guest speakers from WorldSkills International, Skills Canada Alberta, HP Canada, Samsung and Cisco.

Roger Dery, IT manager from WorldSkills Calgary 2009 talked about the IT set up for the WorldSkills Competition. The 180 people strong (including students at SAIT Polytechnic) IT Team at WorldSkills Calgary 2009 worked endless nights to virtually build and connect a small city, on site.

Guest speaker Greg Chappell of HP Canada talked of the importance for IT professions and how technology is embedded in everything we interact with on a daily basis and how important it is to promote IT careers to youth. “Despite the recession, there is still a shortage of IT professionals.” Chappell said

Ronald Hulse, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Samsung Canada spoke of how IT can bridge the gaps of labour, culture, education and environment. Not only is there a current importance on IT careers worldwide, but technology also plays a role in many other professions. “As I walked through the WorldSkills Competition today I was amazed to see how much further IT has taken the trades.”

wsc2009_infotechforum_090904bb_00047_250w.jpgHulse explained how today’s youth demands environmental sustainability from industry and education. Because of technology, there is less manufacturing, there are more professional services, innovation, research, and development. Technology has moved the world in to a less wasteful state of mind.

Finally, Amy Christen, Vice President of Cisco Networking Academy explained the direct impact technology has had on education systems and accessibility. Even educators worldwide connect with each other to collaborate. Students are now able to interact with online class mates, finding solutions through discussion boards and using technology to stay truly connected and social in the online classroom experience. One can even achieve a master’s degree without stepping foot into the classroom.

The topics discussed throughout the Forum all come to a similar conclusion. Technology is connected to many things in daily life and as a result, IT careers are worth exploring. They are fun, important to society, economics, and environment, and there is a need to fill this growing demand for IT professionals.

Download CISCO PowerPoint presented by Amy Christen > AmyChristen IT Forum Sep4-09 AmyChristen IT Forum Sep4-09

View CISCO Video presentation showing CISCOs outstanding contribution to WSC2009.