10 August 2015
Five Key Questions

As we go through life, it is common to ask a few basic questions before we make decisions; often these key questions are Who, What, When, Where, and Why. As we begin the countdown to the start of the 43rd WorldSkills Competition, these questions are easy for you to answer in order to decide “Yes! I need to join the greatest vocational education and skills excellence Competition in the World - WorldSkills São Paulo 2015.”
Who comes to WorldSkills?
Sixty-two WorldSkills Member countries and regions will be in São Paulo for the Competition - the largest in WorldSkills history. In addition to supporting the Competition, they will be participating in official meetings related to ensuring that the WorldSkills organization stays on track to fulfill its mission and to keep the standards of skill competitions aligned with the best practice in industry around the world. Delegates join the WorldSkills International General Assembly meeting on Monday, 10 August - during which they will vote on selection of the winning bid for WorldSkills Competition 2019. Stay tuned for that exciting news!
Supporting Competitors and the individual skills are the 1,144 Experts, over 500 registered Observers, over 300 interpreters, and the volunteer corps of 800 educators, students and others from Brazil and across the world. These are individuals with many years of experience in technical and vocational education who are “giving back” to our global community by passing along their knowledge and skill to WorldSkills.
Of course, the reason that all of us are here is to celebrate the over 1,150 Competitors in 50 skills - who have worked so very hard and already demonstrated a level of achievement that qualifies them to show the world that the future of our workforce, economies, and societies is in good hands.
Approximately 200,000 visitors are expected to visit the Competition. Come to Anhembi Park 12-15 August if you can; however, if you are unable to be with us in person, read more and learn how to take advantage of technology to join us.
What is unique about WorldSkills São Paulo 2015?
The WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 Competition Organizer has taken large steps forward in using technology to bring the world to Brazil for the Competition. If you are onsite, you will have a new and exciting way to learn about skills. The “New Look at Skills” project is a collaboration of the WorldSkills Foundation, Autodesk, and SENAI which introduces a pioneering use of animation and 3D modelling to explain competition areas. Wherever you are, take advantage of the WorldSkills Experience digital platform (www.worldskills-experience.com) with rich content which enables the global public to share in the information and action at the Competition - through a virtual tour, real-time coverage, social media content, and a mobile app (www.worldskills.org/app). The Opening and Closing Ceremonies, along with the WorldSkills Leaders Forum, will be live streamed; so the world can join in WorldSkills. Colleagues, team mates, friends, families, and the public have unique integrated and innovative access to this WorldSkills Competition.
When and where should I go to experience the Competition?
Come to Anhembi Park, or join us on various social media channels, including:
- www.worldskillssaopaulo2015.com
- www.worldskills-experience.com
- www.facebook.com/WorldSkills
- http://twitter.com/WorldSkills
- www.youtube.com/user/WorldSkillsTV
- http://instagram.com/worldskills
- www.flickr.com/photos/worldskills/collections
Why do I want to learn more about WorldSkills?
WorldSkills is the global hub for skills excellence and development. As a Member organization, it brings together organizations and individuals from across the world - all economies, political systems, and societies - to improve our world with the power of skills. We depend on the past, current, and future Competitors in WorldSkills and the Member network to keep our world working. As a Competition, WorldSkills is growing in numbers and diversity of Members and Competitors, as well as in demonstration of high-quality workplace-based competences. As a sustainable movement, WorldSkills is developing programmes, projects, and partnerships that continue to engage Champions; that include collaboration on projects with prospects for replication and scaling; and that have documented positive impact on communities and individual lives. At WorldSkills São Paulo 2015, several such projects facilitated through the WorldSkills Foundation will be on display; read more about them in the coming days.