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28 May 2024

Explore cutting-edge trends and enhance skills in upcoming Festo webinar

WorldSkills invites members to register for a webinar on data analytics in automation and technical education by our Global Partner Festo on 12 June.

Global Partner Festo invites the WorldSkills community to a webinar titled “Festo Didactic Global Education Webinar- Future Trends” on 12 June.

The webinar will focus on key topics including the role of data analytics in predictive maintenance and practical demonstrations of machine learning applications within a learning factory environment. These discussions are particularly relevant as we navigate the future of skills and education in the rapidly evolving industrial sector.

Why attend?

  • Enhance employability: Learn about advanced training opportunities designed to improve job prospects for young people.
  • Support lifelong learning: Gain insights into continuous education programs for employees in industrial companies.
  • Stay ahead of trends: Understand the latest developments in automation and technical education, ensuring your skills remain relevant in a fast-paced industry.

As a leading global supplier of automation technology and a solution provider for technical education, Festo brings over 50 years of innovation and problem-solving expertise to the table. This webinar is an invaluable opportunity for our community to engage with cutting-edge trends and examples in the field of automation.

Find out more about the event and register to attend.