4 March 2008
Estonia preparing for WSC2007
By Innove
Shizuoka 2007 will be the first WorldSkills Competition for Estonia as an official Member and Estonia will form their first national team. The Estonian national team will consist of 4 young people, who will compete in 3 skills - Mechatronics, Cooking and Cabinetmaking.
The Estonian national qualification competitions in Mechatronics, Cooking and Cabinetmaking for WorldSkills Competition, Shizuoka 2007 took place in the period of April-May 2007. Each skill had a separate competition and was organised by Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development (Innove) in cooperation with relevant sector federations and VET institutions. The competitions lasted between 2-3 days. In conjunction with the competitions Innove also conducted skills promotion and development seminars for their social partners. The national qualification competitions and the WorldSkills movement have raised public interest resulting in newspapers publicising the activities during the competition.
For every skill the top 2 competitors (team of 2 in Mechatronics) qualified for the continuing preparation competitions which will take place over the summer resulting in the final selection of the national Estonian team heading for Japan in November 2007.
The WorldSkills Competition in Japan 2007 will be a great challenge for the young Estonian competitors; we hope they will perform and excel on the international stage.
For more information please contact: Erkki Leetsar: erkki.leetsar@innove.ee