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21 March 2013

Craftmanship at Skills Masters 2013

Skills Juniors 2013

By Jordy de Groot, Skills Netherlands

With 30,149 visitors, Skills Masters 2013, the Dutch skills and careers event, was a huge success once again. Thousands of youngsters have caught a glimpse of true craftsmanship during the Skills competitions, and had a chance to get involved themselves, through a range of ‘try a trade activities’.

This year a new element was introduced: ‘Skills Juniors’. Here, youngster between the ages of ten and thirteen, were given the chance to participate in their very own Skills competition.

Skills Netherlands managing director, Jos de Goey stated:

“We’ve let these youngster get involved in a fun and easy way. The enthusiasm they and their parents shared was inspirational! All in all it was a very successful pilot!”

Thousands of youngsters joined a so-called ‘school programme’, in which they had to visit various stands, and answer questions, which in turn will be discussed in class. The success of this school programme once again underlines the necessity of letting youngsters get involved in vocational orientation at a young age.