26 January 2024
Competition Preparation Week to commence in Lyon
Crucial for the coordination of all logistical aspects of WorldSkills Lyon 2024, Competition Preparation Week will also unveil exciting side programmes and the 2024 roadmap to the Competition.

Photo Credit: ©Tristan Deschamps
WorldSkills Lyon 2024 is building momentum, with over 750 key stakeholders participating in Competition Preparation Week. Exciting side events are organized to raise awareness of what it means for Lyon and for France to host the 47th WorldSkills Competition later this year.
Bringing together Skill Management Teams, Members, Global Partners, the Competition Organizer, and WorldSkills International, Competition Preparation Week (CPW) is a crucial time to coordinate event logistics, and significantly progress planning towards the Competition. It includes detailed organizing meetings for each of the skill competitions, finalization of the Infrastructure List (IL), layout of the workshops, and health, safety, and environment requirements.
The series of meetings will take place from 29 January to 2 February, less than eight months away from the beginning of the 47th WorldSkills Competition.
“CPW is a key milestone to finalize the infrastructure and layout for each skill competition,” explains Jane Stokie, Director of Skills Competitions at WorldSkills International. “Skill Competition Managers and Workshop Managers have been meeting regularly by videoconference to discuss the requirements for their skill competition, so CPW is an opportunity to build their relationship and teamwork which will be important at the Competition in September.”
The WorldSkills Lyon 2024 Organizing Committee is working “enthusiastically” to prepare this great event, notes José Fonseca, Director of Competitions.
“CPW is a moment of privilege for all stakeholders to come together in the same place to review the progress of preparations. I hope that our meetings and workshops will enable us to make progress on all the organizational issues, to find the best solutions and answers to any stumbling blocks, and to come up with innovative and responsible ideas for implementing the Competition,” he said.
Sustainability is a core pilar of WorldSkills Lyon 2024, with the objective to implement lasting practices as part of the Competition’s legacy. CPW will build on previous efforts to improve efficiency, in particular looking at the origin of materials and equipment, the layout of skill competition workshops, and the recycling and upcycling of Test Projects.
"The 230 days separating Lyon to the Competition’s Opening Ceremony in September promise to be very intense,” adds Mr Fonseca, “but the team is addressing challenges with full confidence that this final stretch will ensure the 47th WorldSkills Competition becomes unforgettable.”
CPW will also include a Sponsors Forum, which will gather Global Partners and Event Sponsors for updates on Competition plans, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and venue layout. CPW is also a chance to visit the Competition venue, Eurexpo, network, and advance the Infrastructure Lists.
A press conference will take place on 29 January alongside the Métropole and the City of Lyon, as WorldSkills Lyon 2024 and WorldSkills International representatives including the WorldSkills Champions Trust, will present the 2024 roadmap to WorldSkills Competition 2024. Media will take part in a discussion to establish the scale of the WorldSkills Competition, and the impact the event has on the lives of skilled youth in France and across the globe.
On 31 January, this year’s One School One Country programme will be launched, unveiling the pairings between schools in and around Lyon and their corresponding Member country or region teams.
One School One Country is a cultural exchange programme which provides local students with an opportunity to learn more about WorldSkills and careers in skills. On the morning of the Opening Ceremony, each international delegation will be welcomed into their corresponding school, giving students and Competitors the chance to connect and exchange experiences.
This week, WorldSkills Lyon 2024 will also launch the Sport & Skills programme, building off the excitement of the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. The initiative aims to promote the immense power of sport to positively impact society and particularly youth, inclusion and insertion, and mobilize players in the sports ecosystem wishing to make an impact on youth employment.
WorldSkills Lyon 2024 will show the world that Where there is a skill, There is a way. A major industrial centre and a global reference for gastronomy and cuisine, the city of Lyon will host the 47th WorldSkills Competition from 10 to 15 September 2024. Over 1,500 Competitors from over 60 countries and regions will compete in 62 skill competitions. Organizing the Competition in France aligns with the country’s strategy to promote vocational education and training and transform it to adapt to current and future employment needs.