28 May 2009
Canadian Team 2009 on the Portal
By Christine Scoot, Marketing and Project Coordinator, WSI
2009 will see the beginning of a new era for the WorldSkills Portal (WSP).
Not only will more and more WorldSkills International Member countries/regions be joining the WSP for the first time, every Competitor will be represented on the Portal with their photo, name, skill and year of Competition.
The WSP has over the last couple of weeks been linked with our registration system, so that every time a Competitor is registered for WorldSkills Calgary 2009, an individual page is created on the Portal.
The WSI Secretariat has already started collecting the content for the extended Competitor profiles, and Team Canada 2009 is the first Member to embrace this initiative and you can now view the entire team at www.worldskillsportal.com! We would like to thank Skills/Compétences Canada for making their Competitor profiles available to us.
Many more Members will be sending us their team profiles over the next couple of months, so keep yourself updated by visiting the WSP regularly.
It is also our plan to create a link between the 'One School One Country' program through a blog, where the students from the participating schools can communicate with their WSC2009 teams. This, we hope, will create a great basis for pre-Competition interaction.
We look forward to introducing more features on the WSP in the near future!
For more information, please visit: www.worldskillsportal.com or contact Christine Scoot at christine.scoot@worldskills.org.