10 July 2017
#SkillsForAll - The building blocks of a successful career

As someone who works in the construction industry, Daniel Carlberg is only too aware of the importance of building from a solid foundation.
And that principle applies to the 23-year-old Swede’s own career progression, which has been accelerated by his success at WorldSkills São Paulo 2015, where he earned a Medallion for Excellence in Bricklaying.
Daniel says it’s “almost impossible” to fully relate all the ways his life has changed since his WorldSkills participation, but is adamant that his rapid career development over the last two years is due to the Competition enabling him to grow as a person.

"I’ve become a more talented bricklayer, capable of taking on bigger tasks and responsibilities, and I’m now able to stand in front of hundreds of people and talk about my journey – something I never thought I would do,” he explains.
“Through participating in WorldSkills, I feel my career has benefited and that, while I enjoy what I do now, in one or two years I will be a project leader with my company. That’s something I don’t think I would have the opportunity to aim for if my bosses hadn’t seen how much I’ve grown since I became a part of WorldSkills.”
Ahead of WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, Daniel is quick to emphasise to young people that vocational skills are what employers are looking for, and demonstrating passion for a particular skill can pay huge dividends. “If you have a skill or a special talent, I believe you will be more attractive to employers, because they are looking for people who are engaged in their work,” he says.”
“If you are engaged first in your education, and then in your career, people will notice; they will see that you enjoy what you do and that you are making something of your life. It means that when you enter a profession, your employers will give you bigger and more important tasks, and that will help you to be successful. Companies and communities need skillful people, who can take professions forward while also being ambassadors for youth.”
WorldSkills, is proud to recognize World Youth Skills Day, 15 July. Use #SkillsForAll and #WYSD to join WorldSkills, and the United Nations, to raise awareness about the importance of youth developing skills.