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30 June 2011

Book your space at the WorldSkills London 2011 Global Skills Village!

Global Skills VillageBy WorldSkills London 2011

WorldSkills London 2011 is delighted to announce that exhibition space at the WorldSkills London 2011 Global Skills Village is now available for Members to book at a discounted Member rate of £175 per square metre!

The layout of the Global Skills Village differs to previous Competitions and as such will be a dedicated area carefully located adjacent to the skill areas on the exhibition floor – which we hope will maximise visitors and enhance their overall experience of the Competition.

The Global Skills Village is a zone within the Make it Happen exhibition area for Member countries/regions to celebrate their team participation at WorldSkills London 2011, promote themselves and act as a hub for their Delegates. Members who have booked stands include Brazil, Finland, Austria, Turkey, Chinese Taipei, France, Norway and many others are busy making plans to attract and excite the thousands of visitors that will attend. If you would like to discuss taking part please contact Jen Delderfield on +44 (0) 1823 362817.

Not only can Member countries/regions exhibit but we would also encourage you to let schools, colleges and companies know that we would love to welcome them as visitors. Groups from Iceland, Germany, Switzerland and Japan are among the many countries from which groups have pre-registered. Visitors can pre-register for complimentary entry or by calling +44 (0) 845 463 2011.

The sale of exhibition space is being managed by our Exhibition Management Company, Prospects. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity then please email Jenny Delderfield at for further details.