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27 October 2011

All sights turn to WorldSkills Leipzig 2013

logo_wsc2013_with_flag_r200_60h_rgb_wws.jpgBy Werner Kipp, WorldSkills Leipzig 2013

As we left London, we were impressed with the great achievements the WorldSkills London team made. They really raised the bar of excellence in terms of visitor numbers and media coverage! We would also like to thank everyone for the incredible readiness to answer and patience with our countless questions.

In some aspects, WorldSkills Leipzig 2011 will be different, indeed. Leipziger Messe, our venue partner offers an outdoor space that is about 70.000 square meters. Space, that could be used for competitions (for example landscape gardening) or for additional events.

With about 500.000 inhabitants, Leipzig is a big city in statistical terms. Compared with London, it’s evidently small. That offers the chance to integrate the WorldSkills Competition into the daily life in the town of Leipzig. With the Mayor’s office, discussions are ongoing as to what Leipzig could contribute to enrich the event.

With enthusiasm, we experienced the great number of companies willing to endorse us. Our Sponsorship team have already been contacted many times – by long-time Sponsoring Partners as well as by new prospects.

We also note the growing public interest for WorldSkills in Germany. As far as we know, more than 40 German journalists reported from London; to date, we found more than 100 publications! WorldSkills London 2011 made it to the TV news programms on Deutsche Welle, ZDF, RTL and n-tv. And also the most reputated German online media, Spiegel Online filed two big stories.

Our next steps:

  • Staffing: For the time being, WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 has 21 members of staff. Interviews with new candidates are ongoing, recruitment is crucial
  • The Operations Team is preparing the venue layout in close discussions with Leipziger Messe
  • The Technical Team will arrange a Supervisor Meeting at the end of November to discuss inventory, infrastructure and further requirements; also, they evaluate the experience our Supervisors and Experts had in London
  • Marketing and PR prepare a communications „Leitmotiv“ (guiding theme) in cooperation with our agencies; they also implement the strategy for finalising our website
  • Education / VET is in close talks with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to draft an Educational Concept
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